We're Authorized As A Federal Contractor To Help You. Cage Code: 9MS64

Our Services

Our Areas of Expertise

We develop custom financial and retirement plans specifically geared to optimize your federal benefits and help ensure they are in alignment with your personal financial goals for your best outcome. We are committed to a fiduciary duty in this regard, placing your best interests first, before our own.

Here are just a few of the things we can help you with
  • TSP Education
  • Benefit Analysis
  • Tax-Free Income
  • FEGLI vs. Private Insurance
  • Social Security Timing
  • Lifetime Income Planning
  • Long-Term Care Preparation and Insurance
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Let’s Meet Virtually

There is absolutely no obligation or cost for us to meet with you online to discuss your federal benefits and your personal financial situation and goals. Doesn’t it make sense to find out if you are on track with the benefits you have through the federal government? That’s what we’re here for. We work with federal employees just like you all over the United States and we are 100% virtual when it comes to one-on-one meetings with you.

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Sequence Of Returns

Learn How Stock Market Downturns Can Devastate Your Retirement

Sequence of returns risk is a fancy name for a very real risk you face as a retiree. If you are withdrawing money from stock market accounts or funds during the first few years of your retirement and the stock market happens to be volatile or drop during that timeframe, it can have a devastating effect on your ability to stay retired. (This happened to many retirees during the 2008 global recession.) Learn more about why you must protect your retirement by downloading this whitepaper.

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