We're Authorized As A Federal Contractor To Help You. Cage Code: 9MS64
Liz Schroeder, M.A., has been in financial services for over 28 years, while having also served as Professor of Communication at WakeTech Community College for 10 years and Adjunct Professor at Meredith College.
With an emphasis on client needs and using a variety of retirement planning and insurance solutions, Liz helps her clients attain their desired lifestyles and financial security.
Liz has most recently been addressing the needs and challenges of federal employees, helping them with understanding their benefits, retirement planning, and realizing financial security. Specifically, she has focused on helping postal employees and their supervisors stay in compliance with OPM’s requirements for financial literacy and retirement training by holding group and individual education sessions.
Located near Fort Bragg, North Carolina and coming from a military family herself, she also has a passion for helping military personnel transition both into retirement and the private sector. Liz maintains strong client relationships with continuing client needs analysis.
Back To About Us PageOur process starts with a free benefits consultation that helps us to break down your unique situation and goals. Once we know your goals, we can use our tools, resources and experience to design a plan to give you income for life. We also specialize in education. Federal employees have exclusive benefits, like the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) and a pension plan. Unfortunately, far too often, clients walk into our offices without any idea where they stand with their retirement accounts. This happens despite the obligations of the largest employer in the world, the United States government, to provide sufficient financial information. At Federal Employee Benefits Education Services, we fight against the lack of education and create a custom plan that suits your needs.
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